No need is too great or small to take before our Heavenly Father. Leave your requests here so that your brothers and sisters in Christ can pray with you, share your burdens, trials and praises!.
I had requested prayer for a friend (Pete Preston) who had been told he had cancer on his lung. He called me tonight and told me that he had been diagnosed with bone cancer also. He was told that without treatment he would probably live 6-8 weeks, but with treatment he might have a year to live. Of course, only God knows the time. Please keep him in prayer and his wife also. Thanks for your prayers!
I have a friend in Park West Hospital, with a bleeding ulcer. His name is Everett. Please pray for him. Also have a neighbor who has stage 4 lung cancer. His. name is Joe. Thanks for the prayers.
I have an unspoken prayer request and also have such pain from Fibromyalgia. Please remember me in prayer. Thank you.
Please pray for a friend of mine..Pete Preston. He is in U.T. hospital with lung cancer. He called me this evening and asked me to keep him in prayer. He is a retired preacher and retired from Blount County Senior Outreach. He was the volunteer who came to see Roy and I for several years. Please pray for me, also. I am homebound and miss going to church. But thankful I can watch your services by way of your videos.
I have the new strain of Covid and ask for your prayers for my quick recovery and for God to shelter Dwight from being infected by the virus as he cares for me. Thank you, Jackie Brisson